Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Wk 2: Artist Studies // Sally Mann and Ansel Adams

While I feel like I have spend a large amount of my time outside of class researching I still haven't managed to keep with with posting about them!

So here is a few artists I've been looking at over the last couple of weeks that are super interesting!

Aperture // Artists
Sally Man
With a methodical approach in creating her images using a large format camera and difficult developing techniques Sally has managed to collate a body of work that is tender and dark. Choosing subject matter that sometimes feels uncomfortable at first glance enhancing this other worldly feel she manipulates the glass negatives leaving finger prints and other distortions. In regards to her use of aperture she does seem to focus on using a narrow depth of field forcing the viewer to look first at an area she seems to have requested.

Sally Mann / Body Farm Series 2000 - 2001
Aperture: Mann's focus is on the body through what we can only imagine may be a window. Her aperture is such the details of the ground are reasonably intact but the foreground of the window is not. Potentially her aperture may be somewhere in the middle for this image. Maybe round 8?

Sally Mann / Southern Landscapes 1998
Aperture: This looks like a wide (low) aperture only the details of the foreground in focus while the rest is out of reach. 

Ansel Adams
Major Landscape photographer, using the shapes of nature he create detailed works which he intentionally manipulated to create darks and lights where he desired. Originally training as a Pianist he liked photography to being a musician and composer. 

Ansel Adams / Canyon de Chelly Panorama from the mountain of the Valley
Aperture: Adam's small (high) aperture has enabled him to create great detail in his image as far as the eye can see. 

Ansel Adams / Dunes, Oceano, California, 1963
Aperture: Again Adam's sticks to his style of highly detailed landscapes. This time with sand being the main ingredient. His aperture is high enough that you can still see the foot steps in the distance even in this small version of the image.

The incredible careful and patient nature of both these photographers is something to be admired. 

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