Sunday, 31 August 2014

Wk 6: Self Directed // Event Photography

Last weekend I headed to Palmerton North for a family get together. During the soiree I was asked to take some pics of the event. While this initially felt a bit strange to do at a family event, as I didn't want people to feel like they were being constantly snapped I tried to subtly take candid shots that would would also allow me to practise being somewhat invisible as a photographer. I'm not sure if this is a useful tactic but I would prefer to take images where people aren't to self conscious to too camera aware. The environment was pretty dark with low ambient lighting. I went for the lowest shutter speed I could and a wide aperture, unfortunately I also had to push the ISO right out and this did create a lot of noise on the images. However, I worked with them in Camera Raw to correct the exposure and try and reduce noise.

Here are few of the images after working with them in Camera Raw:

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