Sunday, 3 August 2014

Wk 2: Artist Study // Vantage Point with Alexander Rodchenko & Andre Kertesz

Depending on the situation you can see that jumping around and finding the best spot is impritive to getting into the subject matter.  I've certainly become more aware to finding that unless I actively consider where the best place to be could be everything I take will be at the same level i.e eye height. Below are two artists whose work with vantage point have opened my eyes somewhat.

LOW ANGLE: Alexander Rodchenko / Fire Escape with a Man / 1925

LOW ANGLE: Alexander Rodchenko / Shuchov Tower / 1929 
Gelatin Silver Print / 5 13/16 x 8 7/8 in

LOW ANGLE:  Alexander Rodchenko / Pine Trees / 1927

HIGH ANGLE: Andre Kertesz

HIGH ANGLE: Andre Kertesz

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